What to see and do

With the Abbey’s rich history, there are many parts of it you’ll want to see when you visit. Explore the most popular spots to find out which area interests you most.

Poets' Corner

Poets' Corner

in the south transept

The colourful flags of the Knights of the Order Bath hanging above the wooden stalls in the Lady Chapel, Westminster Abbey

The Lady Chapel

at the eastern end of the church

Bronze effigy of Henry III, wearing a crown, his head resting on a pillow

Royal Tombs

the eastern end of the church

A medieval wooden door ajar revealing a small chamber with benches and a stone altar with a crucifix and candles

Pyx Chamber

off the east cloister

Red lamps in the Quire of Westminster Abbey

The Quire

in the centre of the church

An intersection of two parts of the Cloisters showing arched roofing, paving stones and numerous graves and memorials


accessible via Dean’s Yard or the church

Chapter House

Chapter House

in the east cloister

Ancient stone coffin on display with round stained glass windows and stained glass panels behind it

The Galleries are now open

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries

We've transformed our medieval triforium, never before open to the public, into a museum and gallery.